Location: 8438 SE Woodstock Blvd
El Nutri Taco is just off the 205 freeway, so I have to believe many hungry travelers have ...
3848 SE Gladstone st. Portland, or 97206
Technically, Shut Up and Eat is a real live brick and mortar restaurant, but I'm counting ...
Location: 42nd and Belmont
Number of carts: 15
Types of Food: Veggie, Seafood, Korean, Norwegian, Ice Cream, Coffee, American, Mac and Cheese, Fried Chicken, ...
Location: Woodstock Cart Pod
Price range: $2.50-$8
Cuisine: American Mexican
Today I set out on a mission to get a Danang Pork sandwich from ...
Location: SE 50th and Divison
Number of carts: 14
Covered: Yes
Pros: Lots of entertainment options, wet naps, free wifi, good food choices.
Cons: Beer is ...
Location: Corner of SE 52nd and Foster
Number of carts: 11
Covered: Yes
Obligatory Score: 3
The parking lot that houses Carts on Foster has ...
Location: 45th and Woodstock Ave
Number of Carts: 3
Covered Section: No
Obligatory score: 5
Note: This was supposed to be my introductory post, but ...
Location: 82nd Ave at Spring Water Corridor
Number of Carts: A lot
Covered: Yes
Obligatory Score: 1
Despite it's adorable kitschy name, ...
Photo via EatAdventures.com
So you may have guessed I got bored with trying to eat lunch on Hawthorne every day. It was expensive, ...